Calla Lilly Flowers

Calla Lily Flowers – How To Grow And Care Guidelines

When we speak of elegance and grace in the floral kingdom, the first name that often comes to mind is the Calla Lily Flowers. With their simple yet captivating allure, they have charmed many plant enthusiasts and homeowners worldwide. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn everything you need to know about growing and caring for these stunning blossoms.

What is the Calla Lily Flower?

The Calla Lily, scientifically known as Zantedeschia aethiopica, is a perennial flowering plant native to southern Africa. This enchanting plant is not a true lily, despite its common name, but belongs to the Araceae family. Its graceful trumpet-shaped flowers and large, attractive foliage make it a favorite among gardeners and floral arrangers.

Description of Calla Lily Flowers

The beauty of the Calla Lily Flower lies in its simplicity. Each flower consists of a spadix, a central spike that hosts the tiny true flowers, surrounded by a single, waxy spathe that resembles a petal. This spathe is often mistaken as the flower, primarily because it is the most striking part, available in a rainbow of colors from the pristine white to deep purple.

What Does The Calla Lily Flower Look Like?

Calla Lilly Flowers

A mature Calla Lily Flower presents an elegant silhouette. The spathe, with its funnel-like shape, wraps around the yellow or creamy-white spadix, appearing like a smooth wave caught mid-curl. The flowers sit atop a long, slender stem and are accompanied by luscious green leaves that often have white or silver speckles.

Calla Lily Flowers Flowering

The magical Calla Lily flowering process typically occurs in late spring and can extend into the early fall. The duration of flowering varies based on the variety and growing conditions, but a healthy Calla Lily can produce a succession of flowers over several weeks.

Calla Lily Flowers Fragrance

One of the enchanting characteristics of the Calla Lily Flowers is their fragrance. Especially the white Calla Lilies are known for their light, clean scent that many describe as fresh and slightly sweet. This subtle aroma has made them a popular choice for wedding bouquets and aromatic gardens.

Is The Calla Lily Flower Poisonous?

While the Calla Lily Flower is visually captivating, it’s crucial to be aware that all parts of this plant are poisonous if ingested, and they can also cause skin irritation upon contact. They contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause symptoms like burning and swelling of the lips, tongue, and throat, stomach pain, and diarrhea. As such, it’s important to handle them with care and keep them out of reach from children and pets.

Calla Lily Flowers Facts

Calla Lilly Flowers Facts

Before we delve into the fascinating facts about the Calla Lily Flowers, here is a summarized table for a quick overview:

Fact Description
Origin Native to Southern Africa
Family Araceae
Flowering Time Late spring to early fall
Lifespan Perennial
Toxicity All parts are poisonous if ingested

Caring For Calla Lily Flowers

Caring For Calla Lilly Flowers

Caring for Calla Lily Flowers requires attention to a few key aspects: light, water, soil, and temperature.

Aspect Care
Light Prefers full sun or partial shade
Water Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged
Soil Prefers well-drained soil with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5
Temperature Thrives in temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C)

Common Problems

While the Calla Lily Flower is relatively low maintenance, it’s not immune to issues. Common problems include yellowing leaves, wilting flowers, and bulb rot, often due to overwatering or inadequate light. Pests, such as aphids, can also be a nuisance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the best time to plant Calla Lilies?
    • The best time to plant Calla Lilies is in the spring after the threat of frost has passed.
  2. How often should Calla Lilies be watered?
    • They should be watered regularly to keep the soil moist, typically once or twice a week.
  3. Do Calla Lilies need a lot of sunlight?
    • Calla Lilies prefer full sun to partial shade. However, in hot climates, they appreciate some afternoon shade.
  4. Are Calla Lilies indoor or outdoor plants?
    • They can be grown both indoors and outdoors, as long as their growing conditions are met.
  5. How long do Calla Lilies bloom?
    • A healthy Calla Lily can bloom for several weeks, typically from late spring to early fall.


The Calla Lily Flower is a wonderful addition to any garden or home, bringing with it a sense of elegance and simplicity. While they require some care and attention, the rewards are plentiful. Remember, while they are a delight to the eyes and nose, they are best admired from a safe distance due to their poisonous nature.


  1. Missouri Botanical Garden, Calla Lily
  2. North Carolina State University Extension, Calla Lily
  3. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Calla Lily

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