Eternal Flame Plant

Eternal Flame Plant: A Vibrant Addition to Your Indoor Garden

The Eternal Flame Plant, scientifically known as Calathea Crocata, is a captivating plant species that has captured the hearts of many gardening enthusiasts. Its vibrant, flame-like flowers and lush green foliage make it a standout addition to any indoor garden. But what is it about this plant that has earned it such a fiery name? Let’s delve into the world of the Eternal Flame Plant and discover its unique characteristics, care requirements, and more.

Description of Eternal Flame Plant

The Eternal Flame Plant is a tropical plant native to Brazil. It’s a member of the Marantaceae family, known for their striking leaf patterns and vibrant blooms. The plant gets its common name from its bright orange flowers that resemble a flickering flame.

These flowers bloom above the plant’s dark green leaves, creating a stunning contrast that’s hard to ignore. The leaves themselves are a sight to behold, with their dark green color and glossy finish, they add an extra layer of beauty to this already stunning plant.

Eternal Flame Plant Facts

Eternal Flame Plant

The Eternal Flame Plant is not just a pretty face; it’s also a plant with fascinating characteristics. Here are some quick facts:

  1. Size: The plant typically grows to about 2 feet in height and width. This makes it a perfect fit for indoor spaces as it doesn’t require a lot of room to grow.
  2. Flowers: The plant blooms several times a year, producing bright orange flowers. These flowers are not only beautiful but also have a pleasant scent that can fill your room with a sweet, tropical aroma.
  3. Leaves: The leaves are dark green with a glossy finish, adding to its aesthetic appeal. The leaves also have a unique feature where they fold up at night, which is why plants in the Calathea family are also known as ‘prayer plants’.
  4. Lifespan: With proper care, the plant can live for several years, providing endless beauty to your indoor garden. This makes it a great investment for plant lovers.

Care for Eternal Flame Plant

Caring for an Eternal Flame Plant requires a bit of knowledge about its natural habitat. Being a tropical plant, it thrives in warm, humid conditions. Here are some care tips:

  1. Light: The plant prefers bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch its leaves, causing them to lose their vibrant color. A north or east-facing window is an ideal location.
  2. Water: Keep the soil consistently moist but avoid waterlogging as it can lead to root rot. The plant is sensitive to the type of water used; it prefers rainwater or distilled water as tap water often contains chemicals that can harm the plant.
  3. Humidity: High humidity levels are ideal. Consider using a humidifier or placing the plant on a tray of pebbles filled with water. Misting the leaves can also help increase humidity.
  4. Temperature: The plant thrives in temperatures between 65-85°F. It’s sensitive to sudden temperature changes, so avoid placing it near air conditioners or heaters.
  5. Soil: Use a well-draining soil mix rich in organic matter. A mix of peat, perlite, and compost works well.

Problems that May Occur with Calathea Crocata

Despite your best efforts, your Eternal Flame Plant may encounter some problems. Common issues include:

  1. Brown leaf tips: This is often a sign of low humidity or overwatering. Increase the humidity around the plant and ensure the soil is moist but not waterlogged.
  2. Yellow leaves: This could indicate a lack of nutrients or overwatering. Feed the plant with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season and ensure the soil is well-draining.
  3. Wilting: This could be due to a sudden change in temperature or exposure to drafts. Keep the plant in a stable environment away from drafts.

Is the Calathea Crocata Poisonous?

Good news for pet owners! The Eternal Flame Plant is non-toxic to cats and dogs. However, it’s always best to keep plants out of reach of curious pets to prevent any accidental ingestion. While it’s not poisonous, the plant can cause mild irritation if ingested, so it’s best to keep it out of reach of small children as well.

What Is The Use Of Calathea Crocata?

Aside from its ornamental value, the Eternal Flame Plant is also known for its air-purifying qualities. It can help remove toxins from the air, making your indoor environment healthier. This makes it not just a beautiful addition to your home, but a beneficial one as well. It’s also believed to have a calming effect, making it a great addition to spaces where relaxation is key, like bedrooms or study areas.

Is Eternal Flame Plant An Indoor Plant?

Yes, the Eternal Flame Plant is an excellent indoor plant. Its preference for warm, humid conditions and indirect light makes it well-suited for indoor environments. It’s a great choice for adding a touch of tropical beauty to your home or office. It’s also a great plant for terrariums due to its small size and humidity requirements.

Why Is My Eternal Flame Not Flowering?

If your Eternal Flame Plant is not flowering, it could be due to insufficient light, incorrect watering, or lack of nutrients. Ensure it’s receiving bright, indirect light, keep the soil consistently moist, and feed it with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season. Also, remember that the plant’s flowering cycle is influenced by the seasons, so it may not flower if it’s not the right time of the year.


The Eternal Flame Plant is a beautiful, vibrant plant that can bring a touch of the tropics to your indoor garden. With its fiery blooms and lush foliage, it’s a plant that’s sure to turn heads. Remember, proper care is key to keeping your Eternal Flame Plant healthy and blooming. With the right conditions and a little bit of love, your Eternal Flame Plant can thrive and bring you joy for years to come. Happy gardening!


Q1: What type of soil is best for the Eternal Flame Plant?

The Eternal Flame Plant prefers a well-draining soil mix rich in organic matter. A mix of peat, perlite, and compost works well.

Q2: How often should I water my Eternal Flame Plant?

The soil should be kept consistently moist, but not waterlogged. The frequency of watering will depend on the conditions in your home, but generally, watering once a week is sufficient.

Q3: How often does the Eternal Flame Plant bloom?

The plant blooms several times a year, producing bright orange flowers. However, the flowering can be influenced by the care it receives and the seasons.


  1. Missouri Botanical Garden – Calathea
  2. ASPCA – Non-Toxic Plants
  3. Gardening Know How – Calathea Plant Care

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