jelly beans plant

Jelly Beans Plant (Sedum Pachphyllum) AKA Many Fingers Plant

The Jelly Beans Plant, scientifically known as Sedum Pachyphyllum, is a perennial succulent popularly known for its unique appearance. This endearing species, originating from the Crassulaceae family, is also fondly called the Many Fingers Plant. It’s a favorite among plant enthusiasts for its low maintenance needs and visual charm.

Description of the Jelly Beans Plant

The Jelly Beans Plant, resembling a cluster of jelly beans or many chubby fingers, has cylindrical, fleshy leaves that are plump and shiny. These fascinating green-blue leaves display a slight red tint when exposed to the sun. The plant’s attractive and distinctive appearance is complemented by its size, which averages around 1 foot in height.

What Does the Jelly Beans Plant Look Like?

what does jelly beans plant look like

Imagine a whimsical array of tiny, plump fingers, or perhaps, a cluster of your favorite jelly beans. That’s what the Jelly Beans Plant brings to mind. Its blue-green leaves transition into beautiful red tips when subjected to strong sunlight. The aesthetic value of this plant is further enhanced during the blooming season when it sprouts clusters of bright, bell-shaped, yellow flowers.

Jelly Beans Plant Flowering

Come summer, the Jelly Beans Plant erupts in a spectacle of tiny, bell-shaped, yellow flowers. This flowering spectacle adds an extra dimension of interest to this unique succulent, making it even more appealing. These delightful blooms typically appear in clusters at the top of the stems, adding a pop of color that contrasts beautifully against the green-blue leaves.

Displaying Jelly Beans Plant

With its fascinating shape and coloration, the Jelly Beans Plant makes for a delightful addition to any indoor or outdoor garden. It’s particularly eye-catching when planted in a contrasting colored pot or when displayed alongside other succulents. However, while being an excellent solo feature, it also adds charm to rock gardens, succulent arrangements, or even hanging baskets, providing cascading tendrils of jelly bean-like foliage.

Is The Jelly Beans Plant Poisonous

While the Jelly Beans Plant’s fascinating shape and color might seem tempting, it’s important to note that it is indeed toxic if ingested. The plant contains compounds that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or even dermatitis upon contact. Therefore, it’s vital to keep these succulents out of the reach of children and pets.

Jelly Beans Plant Facts

jelly beans plant facts

Here’s a quick snapshot of some fascinating Jelly Beans Plant facts:

Fact Description
Scientific Name Sedum Pachyphyllum
Family Crassulaceae
Origin Mexico
Common Names Jelly Beans Plant, Many Fingers Plant
Toxicity Toxic to pets and humans if ingested

Caring for the Jelly Beans Plant

Looking to add a Jelly Beans Plant to your collection? Here’s how you can care for it:

Care Factor Instruction
Sunlight Partial to full sunlight exposure
Water Water thoroughly but infrequently
Soil Well-draining soil is preferred
Temperature Can tolerate temperatures down to -6.7°C (20°F)

Common Problems

As with all succulents, the Jelly Beans Plant can sometimes face issues such as overwatering, which can lead to root rot, and pests like mealybugs or aphids. Use a well-draining soil mix and follow a proper watering schedule to avoid overwatering. For pests, a gentle insecticide or neem oil application should suffice.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How often should I water my Jelly Beans Plant? Generally, you should water your plant when the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry. Overwatering can lead to root rot.
  2. What type of soil is best for my Jelly Beans Plant? A well-draining soil or cacti mix is ideal. The plant prefers slightly acidic to neutral pH levels.
  3. Is the Jelly Beans Plant pet-friendly? No, the plant is toxic if ingested. Keep it out of reach of pets and children.
  4. How much sunlight does my Jelly Beans Plant need? Your plant will thrive in partial to full sunlight. However, too much direct sunlight can cause leaf scorching.
  5. Why are the leaves on my Jelly Beans Plant falling off? Leaf drop can be a sign of overwatering. Make sure the soil is dry before watering.


The Jelly Beans Plant, or Sedum Pachyphyllum, with its enticing form and captivating colors, is indeed a charming addition to any plant collection. Although it requires certain considerations, such as careful watering and the safety of pets and children, it’s a rewarding plant to nurture. With the right care, you’ll enjoy the whimsical beauty this succulent brings to your home or garden.


  1. Succulent Plant Care
  2. World of Succulents
  3. Garden Know How

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